Picture for Janmashtami!

Today is the auspicious day of Janmashtami. On this day, it is said that Lord Krishna was born on midnight. I made this picture of Krishna which depicts His (Krishna's) two manifestations. On the right side is the happy form of Krishna who lived in Vrindavan during his childhood. He always had a smile on his face, had curly hair up to his shoulders and kept his flute in the belt of his dhoti. On the left, is when Krishna was in the Mahabharata war. Lord Krishna was very angry because Arjun didn't want to attack his grandfather Bhishma as he had a soft spot for him. Because of this, the Pandavas army was getting massacred by Bhishma. Taking matter in his own hands, Krishna went against his promise of not lifting a weapon during the war and went to attack Bhishma with a chariot wheel. He stopped his only when Arjun promised Krishna that he would fight to his true potential. 


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