A Foggy Green Christmas!!

Now, when most people think about winters, they think about a serene city full of snow covered buildings. They picture people all nicely layered, walking outside in the snowy landscape and there is a beautiful holiday atmosphere in the place. Or if they are imagining a green Christmas, they picture a place clear of snow with moderate cold and the warm sun shining throughout the day. Well, reality is quite different than your imagination. Maybe a green Christmas might be like the one I described above, but that's not the case in my city. In my city, we have fog all morning and all night. It doesn't really snow, but that's where the fog comes in. The fog is basically like the snow. It makes everything look white, but it also makes everything look cloudy. And for the record,  it is quite cold for a green Christmas city. Not as cold as areas in the north, but it is still quite cold. 


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