Moral values

See this tree? It has fallen down on the ground and has been uprooted. When I saw this, I was quite shocked because I thought the tree would be nicely planted to the ground because of its huge roots. But my supposition was wrong. 
Like a tree, we humans also have roots. Except our roots represent where we come from. They also represent our moral values and ethics. For now, let's stick to the moral values. 
In life, everyone is taught about morals. We are taught to be kind, forgiving, caring etc. But with time, we get old and we forget our roots. We forget our moral values and trek on the treacherous path of unconsciousness. While going on this path, we unknowingly hurt others and create a bad image of ourselves and our family. 
The worst part is that we don't realise this until someone bitterly breaks our unconsciousness. By the time we realise how far we have wandered from our moral values, till then it becomes too late. We have already created a bad image that might take a long time to erase. Our name is used as a bad example for others. Most of all, the mistakes we have committed will never be vanished from the minds of the people no matter how much we may try. 
This is why we must always remember our morals and be kind. Otherwise we will forget our roots and get uprooted. Just like that tree...


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