Self Composed Poem on the Epistemology of Loss

The Ball Poem is a extraordinary poem written by John Berryman. The poem gracefully explains the five lessons of the epistemology of loss through a small boy who has lost his toy ball. Feeling inspired by the poem of this amazing poet, I also tried to composed a poem on the five lessons of the knowledge of loss.

To those who have experienced loss
Are labelled as a lost cause
Those who try to lend a hand
Are stopped due to society's demands

If you do try to help
Then there's no use of the advice you're about to tell
For they'll push you away
Without listening to the words of support you wanted to say

Then, they realise about responsibility
The first lesson in loss's epistemology
Soon, they learn that things come and go
For that is how our world stays afloat

On knowing that this world is full of materials
They realise that money is just external
It can buy the same new and shiny things
But it can't buy the same feelings

Then, their time of learning is interrupted
For they see that they need to get back up 
For nothing will come by crying
Except for the loss of beautiful and valuable time 

When people go though the loss of an object (their first loss in particular) they go through many feelings. All of these feelings have been described in the poem. 

First, they go through immense grief. They will feel heartbroken. And they likely won't listen to anyone's words of support. For they feel sad, and the words of support makes it worse. 

The second thing they go through is the knowledge of responsibility. The person who has faced a loss realises that they are responsible for anything that they have lost and it is useless to blame anyone.

After responsibility, they realise that whatever comes in this world will go. Everything has a beginning and everything has an end. That is how the balance of the universe is maintained.

Additionally, they realise that money is just external. Money is just a source to buy materials for this world is materialistic. And you can buy whatever you want with money, but you can't buy the same emotional value that you had with your previous materials.

Lastly, the person facing loss sees that they have to get back up. Indeed, you can stay sad about your loss. But what good will it do? You will just lose the time in which you could've done some productive work.


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