
The world is like a huge quilt, consisting of many tiny patchworks sewn together. There are many different little patchworks that may look quite odd when alone. But when all of them are sewn together, the finished quilt looks beautiful. The same is with the people of the world. This beauty of the world lies in the uniqueness of its people. Take this crow for example. It may look quite odd and unappealing when it is alone, but it's beauty is enhanced when it comes together with these myna birds. Everyone in this world is unique. From the biggest elephant to the tiniest ant. We must learn to accept our own uniqueness and that of the world's inhabitants if we want to live harmoniously. This world was made to incorporate every unique being without any conflicts or hatred. But that is indeed is a different fact that all of us have started to look at others through the eyes of partiality. But why, though, is my question. Why do we differentiate between others when we all have the same emotions? Well, usually it is because some are a tad bit more different than others. But, that is not an excuse. In this mixed up world, everyone is different. Hence, everyone's differences should be appreciated. It shouldn't matter if someone doesn't fit in this society's backward standards. A lion does not care about whether he has eaten a deer or a gazelle. Then why do us humans care so much? Yes, I admit that this thought may seem quite a ridiculous one to ponder upon. But just try thinking about it. You never know. This may be the very question roaming and itching the back of your head for some time now. And the very answer to this question may be the key to evolving the society's standards, for the better.


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