Untouchability- Life's Underrated Medicine

The everyday lives of humans is quite bizarre. Sometimes it seems as if we are on top of the world, while other times we think we spent our entire life just trying to stay afloat during the many setbacks of life. Usually, we try to fix any problems that come in our way because we feel that would make the situation better. But many times, the problem just becomes much more complicated. What started as a little spark turns into a flame which then results into a huge wildfire that seems to engulf our entire lives and well-being. Now that is when we start to ponder about what step should we take. Well, there's no need to think about anything. Because you don't need to take any step. Just stop where you are and try to let the problem flow on its own. Now, I'm not trying to encourage the fact to never solve life's problems. But if intervention just worsened the dilemma, then why should we intervene? Just let the situation go. If you can't fix it now despite taking so much trouble, chances are that you might not fix that in the future either. It's indeed harsh, but that's the truth. If the situation will want to get better, it will get better without you worrying so much. 
Accepting the fact that things will stay the way they are, might just be the best solution to your problem. 
Just let go 
When life seems rough
And simply float
Above your problems 
Because sometimes untouchability is the best medicine you can ever take to fix mix ups that occur during your lifetime.
Take the nature around you for an example. It was already so beautiful and well planned before we humans deteriorated it with various pollutants. Now, we are trying to fix it but instead it's situation is worsening day by day. Our home, our planet Earth may be destroyed. And to think, all of this could have been avoided if we would have left it alone.


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