Be Grateful

Often times in our life, we may feel underprivileged. We think that our own existence is of no use. Sometimes, we may even tend to think that it may have been better if we were someone else. We start to think that we were the ones who got the short end of the stick in life and blame destiny for creating us in such a way. We start to not like certain 'flaws' about ourselves and become concious about it, always wishing for these 'flaws' to go away so that we can become what we strive to be. A 'perfect' person. We go off thinking that every single person on this Earth is perfect except ourselves. 
These thoughts are far from the truth. In fact, some people may see you as 'perfect' and think of themselves as flawed. 
To be completely honest, everyone has flaws. But the best people accept their flaws instead of trying to change them. You should be grateful that you are the person you are right now. Because you could have had it so much worse. Life does seem to treat us unfairly sometimes, which can make us feel bad about ourselves. But when you actually account for the 8 billion lives on the planet, you will realise that although you may not be having the best life, you are certainly leading one that is happier than most people. 
Just ponder about this. The life you may be leading right now, must be the dream life of someone else's. 
So, be grateful. Be happy with what you have. Because if you are too busy to see what you don't have, you'll lose sight of the beautiful things you have. And once you regain your sight, it would have been too late. For those things will have been taken away by time, and there is nothing you could do to get them back.


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