Don't Give Up!

Feeling overwhelmed is a feeling we may feel constantly in life. As we grow older, our responsibilities increase drastically. And we can't always cope up with that, which may not always feel acceptable to us because of our inner mind telling us that we aren't doing enough. So, we keep pushing ourselves to go further. This tiny endless cycle keeps on going until we can't find the motivation to push ourselves anymore. Then what do we do? Getting more overwhelmed is something that happens to us unconsciously in these types of situations. But that's not the right approach to problems like these. 
Instead, look outside your window and remind yourself of something that you are thankful for in your life. It doesn't need to be anything big and robust. Even if it's a small detail, it doesn't matter as long as you are satisfied. Remember and immerse yourself in that detail. And for a while, you may find yourself feeling happier, energetic, less overwhelmed and most of all, motivated to keep going. 
Just remember. If you feel like overwhelmed by everything on your plate and you feel like giving up, you can do anything you want except for giving up. Because if you give up now, then you will always be kept your entire life wondering what would have happened if you kept on going.


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